The Sun Throne

Roland Carlsson

Book 4 of Becoming the Paladin

Language: English

Publisher: anonymous

Published: Jan 1, 2022

Pages: 242


To save Telos, I must embrace my destiny.

It's not every day you find out you're the illegitimate son of a deity, but I'm making the best of it.

The Vrag have been backed into a corner. Three kingdoms stand behind me, each led by one of my beautiful companions.

My goals are simple: regain the throne, restore the Sun God and drive the Vrag into the sea.

Easy enough, right?

Not quite. See, the Vrag didn't come to Telos of their own volition. They were driven here. What's powerful enough to scare a race of apex predators across an ocean?

I'm about to find out.

This novel contains unconventional relationships.