Rogue Agents Unbroken

T. R. Cameron & Martha Carr & Michael Anderle

Book 7 of Rogue Agents of Magic

Language: English

Publisher: LMBPN Publishing

Published: Mar 22, 2022

Pages: 202


It has to be a trap. Rogue Agent Diana Sheen has no option but to walk right into it.

The Rhazdon cult has been biding its time, but their leader’s life is on the line. Time to remove the thorn in their side.

Everything has consequences.

There’s not just one trap, but three. Can Diana fight so many sides at once?

Avoiding the fight means more innocents die.

Not an option on the Rogue Agents’ watch.

Diana, Cara, Rath the troll, and the RAM team will fight on to end the battles once and for all.

Their trusted allies, Ruby Achera and Cali Leblanc can come to their aid.

Even Kevin and Natasha might be game to help. But can they really be relied upon in the middle of a battle?

And, on top of it all, if they don’t rescue Sloan from whatever he’s gotten himself into this time, they might lose him forever.

How will the team deal with the cresting wave of enemies? Only one way to find out.

For action, magic, snarky banter, martial arts, mystical creatures, and high intrigue, join Diana, Rath, and the rest of the Rogue team on their new adventure!