Stories for Nerds

Quincy J. Allen & Elle Beaumont & Abby Goldsmith & Jeffery H. Haskell

Language: English


Publisher: Raphyel Jordan

Published: Jan 1, 2021

Pages: 271


Travel through a multitude of exciting worlds and adventures in this collection of innovative and thought-provoking science fiction and fantasy short stories.

How does a scientist and a band of corporate superheroes escape an eternal time-loop? What does a "real" mermaid do when she's held captive by a spoiled short-sighted prince? Why does a young woman find herself compelled to portray a trope character in a LitRPG? These and a multitude of other questions are answered in this first collection of short stories from some of the most imaginative authors to-date.

Stories For Nerds: Volume 1 will have you anticipating one epic short story after the other. Find your favorite new author - better yet, authors - here!

*Volume 1* Includes:

Not In Their Nature by Scott Parkin, Abby Goldsmith, & Raphyel M. Jordan – sci-fi

My Brother's Keeper by Raphyel M. Jordan – sci-fi

Fires by Scott Parkin – fantasy

The Biggest Mermaid by Abby Goldsmith – fantasy

Last of Her Kind by Abby Goldsmith, Raphyel M. Jordan, Scott Parkin – fantasy

The Stranger and The Mask of Plagues :A Hall of Doors Short Story (#4.1) by Zachary Chopchinski – sci-fi

Parcel Twist by Quincy J. Allen – sci-fi

The Butcher of Orcin: A Big Damn Heroes Origin Story by Jeffery H. Haskell – sci-fi

Déjà vu by Raphyel M. Jordan, Scott Parkin, Abby Goldsmith – sci-fi

Value by Catherine Schaff-Stump – fantasy

My Father's Sword by MB Mooney – fantasy

There Be Dragons by Elle Beaumont – fantasy

A Pocketful of Sky by Scott Parkin, Raphyel M. Jordan, Abby Goldsmith – sci-fi/fantasy