O Caos

Rachel Ward

Book 2 of Num8ers

Language: Portuguese

Publisher: TOPSELLER

Published: Jun 7, 2010

Pages: 304


Junho de 2026. Adam consegue ver números nos olhos das pessoas, que correspondem à data da sua morte. Mas não pode revelar a ninguém este segredo. Como se não bastasse viver com aquele terrível dom, as coisas estão prestes a tornar-se ainda mais difíceis. Adam apercebe-se de que, subitamente, a data da morte de todos aqueles com quem se cruza é a mesma: 1 de janeiro de 2027.
Sarah, uma rapariga reservada mas cheia de personalidade, tem uma complicada história pessoal que a leva a fugir de casa dos pais. Além disso, tem um pesadelo recorrente e assustador com Adam, mesmo sem nunca o ter visto. Depois de o conhecer, porém, desenvolve por ele uma forte atração, que não sabe como gerir. Ambos partilham de premonições semelhantes: fogo, água, morte, destruição, caos.

Algo tremendo irá acontecer. Algo terrível. Mas o que será? E o que poderão fazer para impedi-lo?

The Chaos (Numbers Series #2) by Rachel Ward

The curse of the NUM8ERS continues in Rachel Ward's CHA0T1C, earth-shattering sequel!

Adam has more than inherited his mother's curse: When he looks in someone's eyes, he not only sees the date of their death...he feels the searing, shocking pain of it. Since Jem died, Adam has lived by the sea with his great-grandmother, Val. But when rising tides flood the coast, they return to London. The city is an alien, exciting, frightening place. Most disturbing of all, Adam can't help but clock how many people's numbers are in January 2027; how many are on New Year's Day. What chaos awaits the world? Can he and Sarah stop a catastrophe? Or are they, too, counted among the "twenty-sevens"?

The curse of the NUM8ERS continues in Rachel Ward's CHA0T1C sequel -- told in the compelling alternating voices of runaway Sarah and hard-luck Adam.

Adam inherited his mother Jem's curse. With a vengeance. When he stares into someone's eyes, he doesn't just see the date of their death, he feels the searing, shocking pain of it.

Orphaned, Adam has grown up by the sea with his great-grandmother, Val. But as rising tides flood the coast, they flee to London. The city is an alien, anarchic place. Most disturbing of all, Adam can't help but clock how many people's numbers are in January 2027; how many are on New Year's Day.

What chaos awaits the world? Can Adam and his damaged friend Sarah stop a catastrophe? Or are they, too, counted among the "twenty-sevens"?

"Creepy and original!" -- R.L. Stine

"Engrossing and au courant." -- The L.A. Times

Includes a sneak peek at 1NF1N1TY, the end of the trilogy!
