The Destiny Machine

J. L. Aarne

Language: English

Publisher: J.L. Aarne

Published: Mar 22, 2015

Pages: 184


In a world cured of death, Aarom is an outlaw.

The world should have ended twenty years ago. Without the invention of the Destiny Machine, it would have and in many ways it's a blessing. No one goes hungry now, murder is a thing of the past and life is beautiful and peaceful. For some, it's a lie and a curse that they can't bear to live with. They sense the wrongness of their existence, but now they inhabit a world where it's almost impossible to die.

You can't even kill yourself anymore.

Aarom is a prophet, a member of a rare group of people who would have survived the Armageddon that the Destiny Machine derailed. He has the power to see behind the curtain. He can give to people the deaths they have been denied.

Their true destiny.