Red-Line: Trust Destiny

J. T. Bishop

Book 3 of Red-Line

Language: English

Publisher: J. T. Bishop

Published: Oct 19, 2015


The threat unfolds…
Sarah Randolph has discovered she’s a member of a secretive community whose survival depends on her unique abilities. Her adjustment to her new life has led her to find love, but also comes with a cost. Because there’s another Red-line. One whose desire for her could cost her everything she holds dear.

The danger grows…
When Sarah falls victim to her adversary’s deceit, she unknowingly turns from the man she loves and chooses her enemy instead—the man who will stop at nothing to keep Sarah at his side and kill anyone who plans to stop him.

And secrets are revealed…
John Ramsey will do whatever is necessary to bring Sarah back, even if it means sacrificing himself and risking the lives of those closest to him to do it. Because he has no choice but to risk everything for the woman destined to be by his side.

Red-Line: Trust Destiny is the third book in the Red-Line trilogy. If you enjoy a riveting love story, a destiny worth fighting for, characters to root for, and a paranormal mystery to keep you turning the pages, then enjoy Trust Destiny and the Red-Line trilogy.

Follow J.T. Bishop on her Amazon Author page to get notified of new releases.


OverviewBOOK DESCRIPTION: (16+ - some mature language and sexual references - not graphic)
REVIEWER: KYLIE EASON (Readers Review Room)
Things that make me happy- 5 star trilogies!
The Red-Line trilogy is fabulous! I've just finished book 3 and am beyond words. It was touch and go there for a while, not sure if good or evil would win.
J.T Bishop is a phenomenal author. I was hooked from page 1 of The Shift and I was not disappointed as I continued to read.
In this final tale, everything is explained, and brought out into the open. You learn about motives, and secrets. You finally learn about "the crash" and how it all plays into Ramsey and Sarah's lives, as well as with Yates.
What I loved most about this book was the connection I felt to the characters, mainly Sarah. I found her making less than stellar choices, and screaming at her to see the red flags. (She doesn't of course, at least not when I wanted her to). I found myself wanting nothing but the best for her, and that's definitely a side effect to the fabulous writing of J.T!
I highly recommend these books to everyone. There are a few sex scenes, but they're mild and very minimal. It would be appropriate for anyone who knows about sex (so basically anyone from middle school age & up, these days).

From the Author

Other Books in the Series...
Red-Line: The Shift
Red-Line: Mirrors
The Red-Line Trilogy Boxed Set

And discover the sister series to the Red-Line trilogy - The Fletcher Family Saga
Curse Breaker
High Child
Forged Lines
The Fletcher Family Saga Boxed Set

Also from J.T. Bishop...
The Family or Foe Saga, a paranormal thriller series with Detectives Daniels and Remalla.
First Cut
Second Slice
Third Blow
Fourth Strike
The Family or Foe Saga Boxed Set

Detectives Daniels and Remalla
Haunted River
Of Breath and Blood
Of Body and Bone
Of Mind and Madness
Of Power and Pain
Of Love and Loss

The Redstone Chronicles - a crossover series with Detectives Daniels and Remalla
Lost Souls
Lost Dreams

Lost Chances
Lost Hope

A Hamburger Christmas - A Detective Daniels and Remalla holiday prequel novella.

About the Author

Born and raised in Dallas, TX, J. T. Bishop began writing in 2012. Two years later, the Red-Line trilogy was complete. She's not done though. The Red-Line saga develops as she continues to write new books.
J. T. loves stories that explore character's unique abilities and origins. What if extraterrestrials did walk among us? It's a theme she finds intriguing and provides a wealth of inspiration for her books. Drama, angst, passion, and humor all add to the fun. A little bit of romance doesn't hurt either.
J. T. loves to spend time with family and friends, traveling whenever she can, and spending time in nature (despite the heat in Texas). Getting up in the morning with a cup of coffee, ready to write is the start of a perfect day.