Prophet of ConFree

Marshall S. Thomas

Book 1 of Prophet of ConFree

Language: English


Published: Oct 15, 2012


One squad one road
Nine tales to tell
One squad tac mode
Nine souls to Hell.

An ancient enemy threatens the galaxy. Squad Delta of the ConFree Legion stands in the way:

A terrified recruit who does not belong in the Legion
A hostile squad leader who just wants to be left alone
A shy young trooper who responds to insults with a front face kick
Two man-hating girls, one black, one white, daring anyone to say a word
A trained killer from the Deadman Scouts
A scholarly young PhD who signs up out of despair
An Assidic militant who wants only to serve the state
A refugee from race hate who can’t stop smiling
A Phantom pilot who owns his own starship.

"Who are these people anyway?" the Director of ConFree asks.
"I told you," the Director of Galactic Information replies. "They're just ordinary troopers."
"Well. Our ordinary troopers are damned extraordinary, I'll say that."

It is fifty years after the last events outlined in Curse of the Legion. A new generation of recruits has walked through the Legion Gate. And formidable new challenges face the ConFree Legion. But the mission does not change: defend the women and children of the Confederation of Free Worlds from everything that would threaten them.

Join the young enthusiasts of Squad Delta as they fight their way through basic training, learn more about the Legion and about themselves, and finally find themselves in the thin black line with the Condor Regiment, facing a mysterious and powerful enemy in deep space, far beyond the Outvac.

Bleed for ConFree, and ConFree will bleed for you.

From the author of the Soldier of the Legion series.
