The Fireseed Wars

John F. Carr

Book 5 of Lord Kalvan

Language: English

Publisher: Pequod Press

Published: Jan 1, 2010

Pages: 534


THE FIRESEED WARS opens right after the Siege of Tarr-Hostigos, with Great King Kalvan in full retreat from the victorious armies of Styphon’s House. With Hos-Hostigos in ruins and under Investigation, King Kalvan faces his greatest challenge since arriving in Hostigos. Kalvan has to find a way to outrun the Grand Host of Styphon’s House and save his subjects from the inquisition of Archpriest Roxthar and his fanatical gang of thugs. Using scorched earth tactics, Kalvan flees with a quarter of a million refugees and a ragtag army completely dependent upon him for salvation. To the northwest, lies the Upper Middle Kingdoms where King Theovacar of Grefftscharr awaits with his navy and army. Theovacar, the ruler of the largest territory in the Middle Kingdoms, doesn’t want any competition from an outsider--especially one with as army as big as Kalvan’s.

Verkan Vall, Paratime Police Chief, faces his own battles on Home Time Line as his enemies engage in a relentless propaganda war against him and his administration.

The Gunpowder Theocracy is determined to turn the Five Great Kingdoms into their personal fiefdom. It’s no longer just a fight between Kalvan and Styphon’s House; it’s a war of mutual destruction. And Styphon’s House intends to win by any means.