Love Drunk

Libby Rice

Book 3 of Second Chances

Language: English

Published: Jul 5, 2015


The love that lies built?

Wine importer London Whitley dots her I’s and crosses her T’s. Her meticulous nature insulates her from fears that she might just be crazy, as in certifiably, medically nuts. When her almost ex-boyfriend winds up dead at her hands and she’s soon accused of importing counterfeit wines, London’s carefully constructed world begins to crumble. There’s help to be had, but only in the form of an imposing stranger who threatens her ruin.

Trevor Rathlen is lucky to have escaped his marriage to a murderess alive and merely indebted to men who think the exquisite London Whitley’s innocence is a façade. A computer security specialist by day and hacker by night, Trevor agrees to return the favor owed by learning London’s secrets. The task should be an easy one, except Trevor is short on trust, London is long on lies, and together they battle an infinite attraction.

The Second Chances Series

Each book in the Second Chances series is a full-length, stand-alone, spicy contemporary romance. The books may be read in any order.

Love Me Later, Book 1
Art-Crossed Love, Book 2
Love Drunk, Book 3



"I absolutely loved it!!!! Everything from the characters to the plot line was written to absolute perfection." ~Romance Obsessed Book Blog

"Do yourselves a favor and go read this book." ~A Girl and Her Books

"Love Drunk is a very unique contemporary romance/suspense. I loved how Trevor and London really devoured each other... The elements came together perfectly." ~Boundless Book Reviews

"This author writes really unusual characters and I'm now totally intrigued..." ~Gemma Reads Too Much For it to be Normal Book Blog

From the Author

Love Drunk is near and dear to me because the story takes Trevor and London to one of my favorite destinations: Hungary. Readers often ask whether I visit the locales featured in my books. Yes, definitely! I love to travel, and many of the joys (and the trials) my characters face are based on my own adventures.