The Theos

Nathan Hystad

Book 5 of The Survivors

Language: English

Publisher: Woodbridge Press

Published: Jan 1, 2018

Pages: 264


Some secrets prefer to stay buried.

When Dean’s closest ally is kidnapped by an ancient race, his grief threatens to turn to madness. With the support of his friends, he embarks on a mission to get his loved one back, and stop the eventual destruction of the known Universe.

But Dean can’t do it without solving an age-old mystery. He must find the real Theos this time, and he’ll stop at nothing to accomplish that.

Join the Survivors as they battle for every race in existence.

The Theos is a tale of love, adventure, deception, and above all else: surviving.

From the Author

Also by Nathan Hystad

The Survivors Series
The Event
New Threat
New World
The Ancients The Theos Old Enemy

Red Creek

About the Author

Nathan Hystad is an author from outside of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.