
Nathan Hystad

Book 3 of Baldwin's Legacy

Language: English

Publisher: Woodbridge Press

Published: Jan 1, 2020

Pages: 319


A new Concord leader. A return to the War. A new legacy.

Captain Thomas Baldwin and the crew of Constantine have saved the Concord from the Assembly, and are tasked with bringing them to prison.

With a stop at Earon, the human home planet, everyone gets a few days of well needed rest.

When communication comes that the wormhole generator is ready, Constantine must return to the Statu system with a new fleet, alongside a brand-new flagship with a familiar AI.

Constantine Baldwin was rumored to have ended the War fifty years ago, but its up to Thomas Baldwin to really finish the job.

Join the ensemble crew of the Concord’s leading cruise ship as they encounter danger after danger, in hopes for a peaceful ending.

Culmination is the third book in the epic Baldwin’s Legacy series.