The Lone Drow : The Hunter's Blades #2

R. A. Salvatore

Book 18 of Legend of Drizzt

Language: English

Published: Jan 1, 2003

Pages: 384


Devastated by the loss of his friends, Drizzt Do’Urden resumes his vicious battle against the orc army and King Obould Many-Arrows

Drizzt Do’Urden knows what it means to be alone. As a young drow, he was exiled from his home in the Underdark, reviled and feared by his own kind. Only after an arduous journey to Faerûn did he meet the surface dwellers who accepted him, befriended him, and became his steadfast allies. Now, those friends lie dead beneath a fallen tower, leaving Drizzt more alone than he has ever been before.

Fueled by his rage and sorrow, Drizzt becomes the Hunter—the ultimate enemy of the orc hordes still ravaging the North under King Obould’s command. Convinced that everything he loves has been destroyed, he vows to do nothing except kill, kill, and kill again until there are no enemies left. But in the midst of Drizzt’s days of endless slaughter, a pair of elves appear with their pegasi, a promise of aid—and a spark of hope.

The Lone Drow is the second book in The Hunter’s Blades trilogy and the eighteenth installment in the Legend of Drizzt series.

About the Author

R.A. Salvatore was born in Massachusetts in 1959. He is the New York Times– bestselling author of more than forty novels, including the popular Forgotten Realms series, The Legend of Drizzt. His love affair with fantasy, and with literature in general, began during his sophomore year of college when he was given a copy of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings as a Christmas gift. He promptly changed his major from computer science to journalism. He began writing seriously in 1982, penning the manuscript that would become Echoes of the Fourth Magic.

His first published novel was The Crystal Shard from TSR in 1988, and his novel The Silent Blade won the Origins Award. He is still best known as the creator of dark elf Drizzt Do’Urden, one of fantasy’s most beloved characters.