An Atlas to Time, Space, and Bonfires

Stephen Landry

Language: English

Publisher: Save Sci-Fi

Published: May 3, 2017

Pages: 411


Save Sci-Fi (SSF) has supported new, independent, quality science fiction across all mediums since its inception. And now, as a part of our long- standing tradition, we're contributing to the medium we love with this: our own original science fiction anthology! This collection of original sci-fi stories comes to you from a group of authors brought together by their love of science fiction and their desire to share their worlds with you and all of the sci-fi fandom!

Our organization's only goal is to provide fans with quality stories for their enjoyment. We do not profit off our endeavours and as such, we rely entirely on
donations to fund our projects, convention booths/materials, and everything else we do to support the genre we all crave.

Authors inlude:

David Bax
D.C. Daines
Heather Leonard
Stephen Landry
Kevin Small
Zach Shaw
Felicia Copeny
Lewis Leslie
E.J. De la Peña
David Castlewitz
Drew Avera
Marleen S. Barr
Christopher S. Vickers
Mike Lawson
H.S. Donnelly
Patrick S. Baker
Medron Pryde
Sophie G. Michaels
Bob Brown
Lawrence Dagstine
Daniel M. Kimmel