Scorpion's Kiss

Cherron Riser

Book 1 of The Accidental Zodiacs

Language: English

Published: Jan 1, 2023

Pages: 97


Follow the music. The case called to Serina like none of the others she had worked on. After ten years working at the Zodiac Enforcement Agency, going from desk job to being an agent, she had finally found the case that made her mind spin. Not much was known about her target other than the sound of music from the scene of his crimes. The songs told a story, and Serina had every intention of hearing the end.

Through time and space, Serina chased her Music Man. Each scene created more questions than answers until it became an obsession—a mystery she would do almost anything to solve. The attacks seemed like more than malice, and Serina wanted to find the answer, even if it meant skirting a little closer to the forbidden edge. She could handle it, and when she found him, he would taste her Scorpion’s Kiss.

An Accidental Zodiacs Novel

About the Accidental Zodiac shared world: There are three types of Zodiacs: The Sinless who live life in goodness and light, their blue auras shining like beacons of hope. The Wanderers, their purple essence telling others they walk a fine line between good and evil. Then there’s The Fallen, the evil. The ones who use their powers to enhance their lives at any cost.