Dragon Shift: The Quest Giver's Guild

Victor Briggs

Book 1 of Dragon Shift

Language: English

Published: Nov 18, 2021

Pages: 255


Falling through a portal and becoming a dragon shifter was strange enough. But when I devoured a demon core and gained access to a forbidden quest system, my life changed forever.

Sintar was like Earth in many ways. It had a blue sky, green grass, and air that I could breath. The demon attacks and shifter magic, however, were new. Every man and woman in Sintar had the ability to change their form.

And now, that included me. And the gorgeous, silver-haired wolf girl I saved on my first day.

My future is dark and full of danger, and someone in Sintar wants me dead. I'm to be the only person who can transform into a dragon, but when I learn to master my power and the strange new quest system, I know I'll find the answers I need.

If I fight hard enough, I can protect the people who have come to count on me.

(This book includes harem content)