Maybe a Hero 2

Victor Briggs

Book 2 of Maybe a Hero

Language: English

Published: Feb 8, 2023

Pages: 212


How much can any hero take before breaking?
For Toby, such a question is one of luxury, one he simply cannot afford. While many would choose to gather power and guard it selfishly, Toby knows that only through cooperation and teamwork can victory be achieved.

Zion remains on the loose, more threatening than ever. His machinations seem everywhere and nowhere at once, leaving our band of heroes chasing their tails.

Toby's new life has changed more than his physique. His powers continue to evolve, granting him the strength he needs. More important are the relationships he's forged in the heat of battle.

A hero is nothing without the aid of allies.

So with his beautiful companions at his side, Toby will track down every clue to stop the madness.