Love Letters

Lisa Jackson

Book 1 of Love Letters

Language: English

Published: Jul 24, 2000

Pages: 273


A is for Always
Rich man's son Max McKee had once loved young Skye Donahue - not wisely but well. Insatiably. Endlessly. But shameful family secrets - and dark deception - had wrenched them apart, abruptly shattering their precious dream of forever.

Now, across a chasm filled with seven years of bitterness and sorrow, Max once more saw his beloved Skye. Explosive desire erupted anew. But sinister rumors and ugly doubts mocked their long-ago love. What cruel, unfinished legacy was shadowing Skye's heart...and threatening Max's soul?

B is for Baby
In one night of loving, legendary rodeo rider Jenner McKee had stolen Beth Crandall's heart. Now, with a chip on his shoulder as daunting as the mighty McKee fortune, Jenner could rob Beth of something even more precious-the son he'd unwittingly fathered.

For someone had nearly destroyed proud Jenner, left him feeling like half a man. And Beth and her baby might be his last hope for a future-if sinister secrets from the past didn't claim them first...

C is for Cowboy
Bent on destroying her powerful family, someone had abducted pampered Casey McKee and stashed her deep in the snowy Oregon wilds. Only one man could possibly save her: ruthless tracker Sloan Redhawk.

The brooding cowboy swiftly hunted Casey down-and the headstrong heiress made the blood sing anew in his icy loner's heart. But Redhawk knew evil still stalked the mighty McKees, and Casey remained an all-too-tempting target. For a killer as well as a cowboy...