The Belial Warrior

R. D. Brady

Book 9 of The Belial Series

Language: English

Publisher: Createspace

Published: Jan 1, 2016

Pages: 442


The world has learned the legend of Helen of Troy, but not her story.
Even the name by which she is known is not her true title.
She was Helen, Queen of Sparta and she was much more than a pretty face.

Delaney McPhearson has been made a public pariah. She barely escaped with her life from Colorado when law enforcement agents moved in. And she cannot take credit for that escape. No, that credit belongs to one man, Drake—Las Vegas entertainer, sabbatical-taking archangel, and consummate egoist.

Drake's help, though, is not without strings. He has an agenda too. He knows for Laney to move forward, she must first delve into her past—she must remember her life as Helen of Troy.

History has never truly known Helen. For hundreds of years cults celebrated her, well before Homer immortalized her in The Iliad as a woman who turned her back on her family and kingdom for a handsome face.

Yet as with many of history's greatest characters, the life of Helen of Troy is more than it seems. Now it's finally time for the most maligned woman in history to tell her side of the story.

What Readers Are Saying:

*“I'll start out by making a promise. RD Brady? If you never get tired of writing the Belial series ~ I promise to buy them as soon as they come out!”

“It was robust, interesting, and even sad in some ways. In fact it makes me wish that were the real story of Helen of Troy. It is so much more interesting than the historic version. The author has outdone herself on this one.”

“I did not expect to enjoy it, as I thought it would be just another long, boring historical novel, which I don't particularly enjoy. Was I ever wrong! From the start, this book grabbed my attention and would not let go - literally. By the time I finished it, I slept for two days, just to catch up on all of the sleep I'd lost while reading the book in one go.”

“Brady is a MOST excellent historical fiction writer!” “This was by far the best book in the Belial series.”*


**"From the start, this book grabbed my attention and would not let go - literally. By the time I finished it, I slept for two days, just to catch up on all of the sleep I'd lost."
Muriel Falvey, Amazon reviewer, ★★★★★

"This was by far the best book in the Belial series. The story of a past life as Helen of Troy for the ring bearer was extremely interesting and compelling. Could not quit reading because the story really draws you in."
Mary Muchowicz, Amazon reviewer, ★★★★★

"Who Wouldn't love one of the greatest love stories ever written or dreamed...I loved the beautiful surprise near the end. I was hoping that would be how it turned out. Bravo!! Nicely done!"
L. Richter, Amazon reviewer, ★★★★★

"This was a very good book to read. Probably the best in the series so far for me. The story of Helen and Achilles was heart wrenching. I literally was crying at the end of their storyline."
Elizabeth A. Elliott, Amazon reviewer, ★★★★★

"R.D. Brady continually surprised me with the twists and turns in the Belial Series. This book is no different. Imaginative, I quickly became engrossed by the story of Helen and all who surrounded her. Keep 'em coming, I am hooked!"
Jill Sanderson, Amazon reviewer, ★★★★★

"Great read! Could not put it down. Finished it in one day! Cannot wait for the next one!!! This series is fantastic!"
Sandra, Amazon reviewer, ★★★★★

"Great book that wraps you up in the ancient stories of Helen of Troy and interweaves fact with Fantasy. Brilliant!!"
Nigel, Amazon reviewer, ★★★★★

"R.D. Brady can't write them fast enough! I love this series. If you want to sink your teeth into a great story, you've got to get this!"
Johnny Maitlen, Amazon reviewer, ★★★★★**

About the Author

Author, Criminologist, Terrorism Expert, Jeet Kune Do Black Sash, Runner, Dog Lover.

Amazon best-selling author R.D. Brady writes supernatural and science fiction thrillers. Her thrillers include ancient mysteries, unusual facts, non-stop action, and fierce women with heart.

Prior to beginning her writing career, RD Brady was a criminologist who specialized in life-course criminology and international terrorism. She's lectured and written numerous academic articles on the genetic influence on criminal behavior, factors that influence terrorist ideology, and delinquent behavior formation.

After visiting counter-terrorism units in Israel, RD returned home with a sabbatical in front of her and decided to write that book she'd been thinking about. Four years later she left academia with the publication of her first book, The Belial Stone , and hasn't looked back since.

To learn about her upcoming publications and gain access to exclusive content, sign up for her mailing list on her website (

The Belial Series
The Belial Stone
The Belial Library
The Belial Ring
The Belial Recruit
The Belial Children
The Belial Origins
The Belial Search
The Belial Guard
The Belial Warrior
The Belial Plan
The Belial Witches
The Belial War
The Belial Fall
The Belial Sacrifice

The ALIVE Series

The H.A.L.T. Series
Into the Cage
Into the Dark


The Belial Rebirth Series
The Belial Rebirth
The Belial Spear
The Belial Restored
The Belial Blood
The Belial Angel

The Gates of Artemis Series
The Key of Apollo
The Curse of Hecate
The Return of the Gods

The Unwelcome Trilogy

The Steve Kane Series
Runs Deep
Runs Deeper

The Nola James Series
Surrender the Fear
Escape the Fear
Tackle the Fear
Return the Fear