Relatively Rainey

R. E. Bradshaw

Book 5 of Rainey Bell

Language: English

Publisher: R E Bradshaw Books

Published: Jun 13, 2015

Pages: 240


Terrors come during vulnerable moments in the night. While lost in sleep, demons arise to expose our deepest dreads. Happiness is not a deterrent to the treachery of memories and fears.

Having suffered a traumatic event nearly five years prior, Rainey has settled into contented family life. When a body tied to JW Wilson surfaces, the compartmentalization Rainey Bell practices proves to be her near undoing. As the buried demons of her past come to call in nearly nightly terror-filled dreams, self-doubt becomes a constant companion.

Rainey endeavors to juggle life as a devoted parent, a loving spouse, a big sister, and a successful entrepreneur. Currently, she is using her behavioral analysis skills for the multi-jurisdictional task force hunting a fetish burglar turned murderer while trying to resolve her resurfacing post-trauma issues before Katie sends her packing.

Rainey is also attempting to keep the youthful enthusiasm of her half-sister, Durham Police Officer Wendy King, from torpedoing her young career and endangering her extended family.