Beams of Power

Callie Bourde

Book 1 of Galaxia Alia AIR

Language: English

Publisher: Callie Bourde

Published: Sep 12, 2016

Pages: 58


Light Sculptor An’Ish Dy is on Jump Station Beta for her big break -- a major concert starring Klonee singer, Quuee. She’s met dishy Commander Mazim Edun and things are going well… Until there’s a major construction accident.

Readers who love Tales of the Citadel, Terran Times Second Wave, and Mechanical Advantage will enjoy the unique universe of the Galaxia Alia, its resourceful females, and sexy males...

For EXCERPTS from upcoming AIR books, check out Callie's website --

This novella is a complete stand alone in the world of Galaxia Alia AIR. The books in this series can be read in any order.