Green Flame Assassin

Morgan Blayde

Book 2 of Demon Lord

Language: English

Publisher: Createspace

Published: Jan 1, 2013

Pages: 271


Red Moon Demon
Green Flame Assassin

Because sometimes you have to fight fire with hellfire, there's Caine Deathwalker: raised as a demon, armed like a gun merchant, and fuelled by booze. Nice is a dirty word and killing is what he does best. Make a contract with hell, and he could be on your side, God help you.

Caine's hired to recover a stolen fey artifact. With his combat butler, a werekitty entourage, and a hot, Vampire Slayer at his side, he invades Sacramento where a shadow war is raging for dominion of the City. Caine needs the stone of dreams to stop a master vampire's behind-the-scenes maneuvering. Complicating his business, a green flame assassin - who is both woman and monster bear - just wants him dead. Ultimate Survival for the city hinges on a wereliger who doesn't want to get involved. Well, Caine isn't taking no for an answer.

This book is intended for mature audiences.