Casually Homicidal

Olivia J. Bennett

Language: English

Published: Apr 2, 2022

Pages: 443


"I know where I want to go. If only someone thought of giving me a roadmap."

Self-diagnosed sociopath Hendrix Williams spends his last days as a high school senior cutting up small animals in his shed in rural Montana. He works at a frozen yogurt shop with the eccentric Michelle “Arden” Campbell, neck-deep in her own existential angst. The night after graduation, Arden shows up outside Hendrix’s window with a duffel bag and demands that they escape from their dismal small-town life.

Hendrix views this impromptu road trip as the perfect opportunity to find a human victim to satisfy his malevolent desires. But Arden is just as unpredictable as he is, and she drags him into her crisis of their uncertain futures. However the ups and downs of their road trip through the Pacific Northwest only drive Hendrix closer to madness, forcing both of them to confront the ugly parts of themselves that they'd rather keep hidden.

Navigating through a world that has rejected both of them, Hendrix and Arden crash in motel rooms, meet fellow travelers both intimidating and heartfelt, and keep secrets from each other that will rip their lives apart.