The Veridian Entanglement

Anna Mittower

Book 2 of The Salon of Enchanted Beauty

Language: English

Publisher: Quills & Quasars

Published: Mar 12, 2023

Pages: 47


"Have friends who need teaching? Have enemies? Have a cheating husband? Get your all in one potion solution right here! Guaranteed to turn their hair green for days on end."

Sorceress Philliya Wridall's latest invention will turn your hair green and is selling like hotcakes. But things start coming undone in a flash when people begin turning up seriously ill.

With the fate of her shop once again in the balance, it's up to her and her alone to investigate and she's running out of time before someone dies.

This cozy fantasy book is a pint sized short read crafted with care for a single session of reading.