
James Herbert

Book 3 of The Rats Trilogy

Language: English

Publisher: Signet

Published: Jan 1, 1983

Pages: 482


Man versus rat—the balance of power has shifted

The long-dreaded nuclear conflict has come. The city is torn apart and its people destroyed or mutilated beyond hope. For just a few, survival is possible only beneath the wrecked streets—if there is time to avoid the slow-descending poisonous ashes. But below, the rats, demonic offspring of their irradiated forebears, are waiting. They know that man has been weakened, become frail—and has become their prey.

About the Author

James Herbert is an author of chilling fiction; his works include Fluke , Nobody True , Once , Others , Portent , and The Rats. His more than 20 novels have sold more than 48 million copies worldwide, and are available in 33 languages. In 2010 he was awarded The World Horror Convention Grand Master Award.