
Mercedes Lackey & Larry Dixon

Book 1 of Valdemar: Owl Mage Trilogy

Language: English

Publisher: DAW

Published: Jan 1, 1997

Pages: 342


Darian's parents had been hunters who worked in the Pelagiris forest, trapping the bizarre change-creatures which had been created by the mage-storms, and selling their fantastic hides. But Darian had not accompanied them on their last expedition into the Pelagiris-a hunt from which they never returned.

Now Darian is apprenticed to Wizard Justyn, a kindly old man who insists that Darian has "talent." But Darian, grieving over his parents, has no interest in magic, and instead of studying, finds solace in the forest, where he can hide among the huge trees and mourn in privacy.

And it is from this secret retreat on the edge of the Pelagiris that Darian sees an army of northern barbarians sack and burn his village. Alone and helpless, Darian flees into the deep forest. But unbeknownst to him, the Hawkbrothers, an old and magical race, dwell in the ancient woods, and his flight will lead him on a path of discovery which neither Justyn nor Darian's parents could ever have predicted.

Apprenticed to a venerable wizard when his hunter and trapper parents disappear into the forest never to be seen again, Darian is difficult and strong willed--much to the dismay of his kindly master. But a sudden twist of fate will change his life forever, when the ransacking of his village forces him to flee into the great mystical forest. It is here in the dark forest that he meets his destiny, as the terrifying and mysterious Hawkpeople lead him on the path to maturity. Now they must lead the assault on his besieged home in a desperate attempt to save his people from certain death!
