To Love a Devil

Naya V.

Book 2 of The Princess and the Devil

Language: English

Publisher: Naya V.

Published: Oct 24, 2022

Pages: 316


Love consumed us. Chaos was our ruination.

Once upon a time, I fell in love with a boy. He was banished from our kingdom. Beaten and twisted into a monster. The devil.
My devil.
Loving a man like Azriel Costa comes with its own faults.
With its own dangers.
But for the first time in my life, I feel like I’ve found a home in the man.
We’ve found happiness. Love.
Or I think we have.
Until my entire world is flipped upside down.
I feel the walls closing in.
The time bomb that is what remains of my life slowly ticks away.
Will he be here to save me in time?