Stardust: Tales From Cirque Macabre

Kristen Strassel

Book 1 of Cirque Macabre

Language: Portuguese

Published: Jan 3, 2018


Rainey must cast a spell to destroy vampires, but her girlfriend’s been offered the opportunity of a lifetime—starring in a vampire show.
Rainey’s always considered her powers a curse. She casts spells and sees the future—most of it anyway. Ever since she moved to Las Vegas, shadowy figures have hidden in her visions, and she’s worried what she can’t see will harm her girlfriend, Holly.
When Rainey is asked to cast a spell to destroy vampires, she realizes they’re the blacked-out figures from her visions. But Holly’s been given the opportunity of a lifetime, starring in a show on the Strip with a vampire band. Rainey must figure out what will hurt Holly more—casting the spell or handing her over to the vampires.