
Christian Kallias

Book 14 of Universe in Flames

Language: English

Published: Dec 5, 2020

Pages: 277


When Asgard is attacked, heroes are revealed.

When his home world is under attack by the Divine Guards, Loki has to risk everything to save Asgard and his people. With Thor still far away, Loki has to use all his wits to delay the mighty Grunhild. But can he face a warrior with such strong psychic abilities?

Chase and the Furies try to come to an arrangement that will prove unpopular with the Earth Alliance council. To make matters worse, the Alliance realizes that the Spectres have deployed a weapon preventing their ability to wage war on a level playing field.

When Ares falls ill out of the blue, things heat up in the unknown regions. The Olympian’s ailment could very well hold the key to leading Ryonna’s team toward what they’ve been looking for all along.

Meanwhile, Ashra wakes up in a regeneration chamber with even less life force than during her close-call battle with Chase and Nyx. When she realizes that there is a faction within her own ranks plotting against her, she’ll stop at nothing to maintain her dominion over this dimension.

The Earth Alliance is forced to fight a war on multiple fronts and prevent multiple schemes from swallowing one world after another, but can Chase find the courage to prevent the universe from being turned into dust?