Fury to the Stars

Christian Kallias

Book 2 of Universe in Flames

Language: English

Publisher: Createspace

Published: Jan 1, 2015

Pages: 310


Two brothers. One Destiny. A fractured universe.

With Commander Sarah Kepler imprisoned and being brutally interrogated by her captor, Chase learns more about his birthright powers as he tries to locate her. It soon becomes clear that he must learn to control them, or he could end up destroying the very universe he's trying to save.

Meanwhile, the Destiny battlegroup is being escorted to Droxia to answer for their actions, unaware of what awaits them upon their arrival. On Earth, humanity licks its wounds when some unforeseen acts of terror threaten the newly found peace that the fresh and frail Alliance brought along with their arrival.

An unexpected ally surfaces with information that could tip the balance of power for the first time since the Obsidian Empire obliterated the Star Alliance. But considering past actions, can this ally really be trusted?

Chase is determined to save his beloved Sarah at all costs, but with the fate of the universe in the balance and his overwhelming powers quickly coming to the surface, his task is not an easy one. Neither is the growing burden of responsibility already eating at his soul.

Choices and sacrifices are to be made. But will Chase be able to live with the consequences of his actions?

Two brothers. One Destiny. A Fractured Universe.

With Commander Sarah Kepler imprisoned and being brutally interrogated by her captor, Chase learns more about his birthright powers as he tries to locate her. It soon becomes clear that he must learn to control them or he could end up destroying the very universe he's trying to save.

Meanwhile, the Destiny battle group is being escorted to Droxia to answer for their actions, unaware of what awaits them upon their arrival. On Earth, humanity licks its wounds when some unforeseen acts of terror threaten the newly found peace that the fresh and frail Alliance brought along with their arrival.

An unexpected ally surfaces with information that could tip the balance of power for the first time since the Obsidian Empire obliterated the Star Alliance. But considering his past actions, can he really be trusted?

Chase is determined to save his beloved Sarah at all cost, but with the fate of the universe in the balance and his overwhelming powers quickly coming to the surface, his task is not an easy one. Neither is the growing burden of responsibility already eating at his soul.

Choices and sacrifices are to be made. But will Chase be able to live with the consequences of his actions?


Quotes from Amazon's customer reviews of the Universe in Flames book series:

" Kallias is sometimes referred to as "an emerging SF writer", but he is "emerging" like a beautiful butterfly. "
"Each book in this series has left me anxiously awaiting the next."
" Best storyline ever. Non-stop action. Bringing all my favorite myths to life. It was over way too soon."
"I haven't gotten into a series like this in a while. I read 1-7 nonstop. I'm addicted."
" A true mark of excellence. "
"I feel as though I'm part of the story."
" Amazingly intriguing drama. A fascinating and wonderful fantasy world created by a talented author. "
"Reinventing a whole new meaning to good sci-fi!"
"Very difficult to put these books down without needing to pick them back up and continue reading!"
"Best story I've read in a very long time. We need more writers like this to enrich our lives. I recommend this book 100%."
"A fantastic read. The author has done a superb job with this. Two thumbs up. "
"Plots within subplots keep me on my toes and coming back for more!"
"This is one of the best series I have read, and I have been reading this genre for over 40 years! "
"Mr. Kallias' universe pulls me in more with each book I read."
"Wow! Intense and heart pounding."
"The author...tells one of the most interesting stories I have read. BRAVO! "
"This story is riveting. It has kept me up for days n nights."
"Best series I have read...interweaving of mythology and the people in this series is phenomenal."
" Extraordinary series."
"I love its great characters and even better storyline. Well put together. A fantastic read."
"It's been a long time since I have lost precious sleep over a series but this is one you just can't put down.The whole series was a page-turner. "
"Loved the story and characters and the writing made it so you could feel the explosions and smell the smoke. Amazing job Christian Kallias!"
"Christian Kallias has made a permanent reader out of me."
"This is my new favorite author and I hope he continues to write for our enjoyment."
"A mixture of SF and mythology all explained in a thrilling saga that kept me wanting more. Would make a great SF movie series. "
" Brilliant roller coaster of a read."
"If you are a Space Opera nut, like I am, you will love this series!"
"The writing is very intense and the action breathtaking. The plot is full of unexpected twists and turns."
"This whole series is awesome!! "

From the Author

Also by Christian Kallias

The Universe in Flames Series
Book 1: Earth - Last Sanctuary
Book 1.5: Ryonna's Wrath (Novella)
Book 2: Fury to the Stars
Book 3: Destination Oblivion
Book 4: The Beginning of the End
Book 5: Rise of the Ultra Fury
Book 6: Shadows of Olympus
Book 7: Armageddon Unleashed
Book 8: Twilight of the Gods
Book 9: Requiem of Souls
Book 10: To End All Wars (Series Finale)

The First Universe in Flames Trilogy Box Set (Books 1-3)
The Second Universe in Flames Trilogy Box Set (Books 4-6)

Rewind Series
Book 1: Rewind 717

Collateral Damage: A Superhero Anthology
The Expanding Universe 3
Beyond the Black Volume 1 (March 2018)

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About the Author

I was born in Geneva, Switzerland, on a late night Sunday, back in the middle of June 1975. My whole life I was always drawn to imagining stories. But it took me a while to do something about it. After sinking my teeth into video games, different artwork endeavors and even manga. I somewhat realized along the way that the best medium to express myself was simply the written word. I've always been fascinated with the stars and Science Fiction in general. A lover of classics (Star Wars, Star Trek, Babylon 5, Stargate,...), it was a no brainer when it came to choose a context in which to tell my stories. I also have fond memories of playing games like Wing Commander as a teenager, a fact that should be apparent in my depicting of dogfighting scenes. I also write about what I think are important issues in our current civilization. Sure I might oversimplify it sometimes and paint a rather positive and utopian picture of what things could be if we woke up as human beings. If we put the humanity back into the equation. Not realistic? Perhaps... But I like to make you think, to ask yourself what if? What if we did things differently? What if we challenged the beliefs that were formatted into our brains as children, and try to envision something else for our future? But I won't imply I am right with my questioning. I just have these questions and I like to share them with the readers, see if it tickles their minds like it tickles mine. But in the end I write, first and foremost, to entertain. So for a little while you can be transported to a different world, and hope you enjoy the ride. Thank you for reading my books. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.