Ink and Steel

Elizabeth Bear

Book 3 of Promethean Age

Language: English

Publisher: Ace

Published: Jan 1, 2008

Pages: 427


In the iron world, Elizabeth reigns over England, while her sister sovereign, Morgan, rules the Faerie realm. Bound together by magic, their monarchies draw strength from each other, sustaining their regimes. But within the inner circles of royalty are ambitious men plotting to usurp power.

Kit Marley, poet, playwright, and spy in the service of Queen Elizabeth, has been murdered. His poetry and plays were infused with a subtle magic that maintained her rule, and the Prometheus Club -- a secret society of nobles engaged in battle against sorcerers determined to destroy England -- has chosen William Shakespeare to assume Marley's role. But Shakespeare is unable to create the magic his queen and country require to hold their enemies at bay.

England's only hope resides in Faerie. Kit Marley, resurrected by enchantment, must serve Queen Morgan. Caught between two worlds and two allegiances,Kit knows that the only way to save both is to assist Will in the art of magic...and to reveal the traitor within the Prometheus Club responsible for his death.