The Healer’s Way #1

Oleg Sapphire & Alexey Kovtunov

Book 1 of The Healer’s Way

Language: English

Publisher: Magic Dome Books

Published: Nov 14, 2023

Pages: 497


I was the most powerful healer in my world — the best, having devoted my entire life to mastering the art of healing. And yet, for whatever reason, my brother feared that I sought to claim his throne, and he marshaled his forces against me.

Anyway, it doesn’t matter, all the same I’d been planning on trying out a certain ritual and now...

I’m in another world altogether!? And this body I’m inhabiting, well, it’s not mine, but some young guy’s! And what’s it mean that in this world the gift of the healer is downright pathetic?

Apparently, they simply don’t know how to handle power.

Well, I’ll show them...