Eye of Terror

Barrington J. Bayley

Language: English

Publisher: Games Workshop

Published: Jan 1, 1999

Pages: 288


Tell the truth only if a lie will not serve.

"What I have to tell you," Abaddas said, in slow measured tones, "will be hard for you to accept or even comprehend. The rebellion led by Warmaster Horus succeeded. The Emperor is dead, killed by Horus himself in single combat, though floats too died of his injuries."

Magron groaned. He cursed himself for having gone into suspended animation. To be revived in a galaxy without the Emperor! Horrible! Unbelievable! Impossible to bear! Stricken, he looked into Abaddas's flinty grey eyes. Who is Emperor now?'

The first hint of an emotional reaction flickered on Abaddas's face. 'What need have we of an Emperor?' he roared. 'We have the Chaos gods!'

AS THE WAR-FLEETS of the Imperium prepare to launch themselves on a crusade into the very heart of Chaos, Rogue Trader Maynard Rugolo seeks power and riches on the fringe worlds of this terrifying insane realm.