Sinister Syndromes

Jon Athan

Language: English

Published: Apr 11, 2016

Pages: 117


Alan Atkins is an affluent young man with an insatiable thirst for blood. He savagely slaughters his victims without a shred of remorse. Tetsuya Takahashi is an impecunious man, trying to live a peaceful life as a cashier at a gasoline station. During his free time, Tetsuya stalks and murders suicidal people — a punisher of those he deems ungrateful. When the two killers bump heads, a trail of carnage is left in a broken city... Is the city big enough for two killers? Or will the pair clash in a storm of blood?

"I'm not a 'cliché serial killer,' I'm the psychopath cliché serial killers look up to.”

WARNING: This book contains intense scenes of graphic violence, disturbing themes, and some sexual references. This book is not intended for those easily offended or appalled. Please enjoy at your own discretion.