The Ghost Book: Sixteen Stories of the Uncanny

Lady Cynthia Asquith & Jessica Guernsey

Language: English

Publisher: WordFire Press

Published: May 23, 2023

Pages: 296


Widely considered as the first collection of non-traditional ghost stories, The Ghost Book combines twisted tales from some of the literary greats of the early 1900s: Algernon Blackwood, D.H. Lawrence, Oliver Onions, Enid Bagnold, and Arthur Machen.

Settle in by the fire for these classic, influential tales, where ghosts roam the woods, the roads, and possibly the room where you sleep. Some ghosts want redemption, some revenge, and some simply want peace and quiet. Some aren't real ghosts after all.

A woman comes face to face with the terrifying killer of her fiancé's first bride. A young boy learns the names of winning race horses in an unexpected way. A man's vast wealth can't save him from his past sins. When a lost play is discovered, the ghost of Shakespeare will do anything to keep it forgotten.

Settle in, settle in. And discover which ghost is creeping up the stairs.

Now with a foreword from Kevin J. Anderson, bestselling author of over 175 novels, who may still see ghosts after reading this collection as a kid.