The Man With No Face

Margaret Armstrong

Language: English

Publisher: Pepik Books

Published: Jan 1, 1940

Pages: 249


A rich Australian, Donald Bell, has recently passed away in Adelaide leaving a substantial fortune and a rather peculiar will.

His adopted son, the non-descript Percy McGuire, eagerly awaits his inheritance and returns to his home town after a series of absences and petty criminal antics.

But a shock awaits him. His father, disappointed by his son's behaviour, has chosen to leave his wealth to distant America cousins of the 'Irongray' house who are completely unaware of the connection.

Entirely unwittingly, this innocent family is drawn into McGuire's fatal games as he begins his bloodthirsty mission to eliminate any existing heirs and secure the estate for himself...

The anonymous killer carves a path all over the country leaving a series of mysterious 'accidents' in his wake, but unbeknownst to him someone is on his trail.

The predator himself is being tracked.

'The Man With No Face' is a classic mystery story from one of the masters of the genre.