Total Conflict

Neal Asher

Language: English

Publisher: NewCon Press

Published: Jan 30, 2015

Pages: 352


Eighteen stories of strife and mayhem from some of the biggest names in Science Fiction. Tales of humanity pushed to its limits, of striving, ingenuity, brilliance, desperate action, violence, and resolution, . Eighteen tales of Conflict, of Science Fiction at its absolute best.

1.Introduction – Ian Whates
2.The Wake – Dan Abnett
3.Psi.Copath – Andy Remic
4.Unaccounted – Lauren Beukes
5.The New Ships – Gareth L Powell
6.The Harvest – Kim Lakin-Smith
7.The War Artist – Tony Ballantyne
8.Proper Little Soldier – Martin McGrath
9.The Maker’s Mark – Michael Cobley
10.Brwydr Am Ryddid – Stephen Palmer
11.Occupation – Colin Harvey
12.Sussed – Keith Brooke
13.The Soul of the Machine – Eric Brown
14.Extraordinary Rendition – Steve Longworth
15.The Legend of Sharrock – Philip Palmer
16.The Cuisinart Effect – Neal Asher
17.The Ice Submarine – Adam Roberts
18.War Without End – Una McCormack
19.Welcome Home, Janissary – Tim C Taylor