Prized Fight

Patrick Logan

Book 8 of Detective Damien Drake

Language: English

Publisher: Pathological Ink

Published: May 31, 2019

Pages: 241


Ex-NYPD Detective Damien Drake thought that nothing could draw him out of 'retirement' and away from the Virgin Gorda... he was wrong.

His friends back in New York need him and Drake can only ignore their requests for so long... even if returning to his home means prison time for himself.Meanwhile, SLH Investigations is struggling to pay the bills, to keep from going bankrupt. Which is why, when a man appears on their doorstep with a gun in hand, Screech knows he should turn him away. But how can he judge others for what they've done, when his own actions are more than questionable? How can he turn away a potential murderer, when he himself has blood on his hands?All Screech wants to do it is clear his conscience, but every decision he makes seems to put him further and further in debt. And if he isn't careful, Screech might just find himself owing some very bad men. Men who make the former mayor look like a bonafide Boy Scout. The PI business is tough, especially in New York City. Keeping afloat while remaining morally and ethically sound? Well, that’s damn near impossible…

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