Spy Dance

Allan Topol

Language: English

Publisher: Onyx

Published: Sep 1, 1984

Pages: 515


Once a spy, always a spy. The dance begins…

The CIA was Greg Nielsen's life … until he was set up and marked for a fall. But the Company taught him well. He knew how to make himself disappear. With a new name, a new life, and a new love, Nielsen was free … or so he believed.

Someone has found him. Someone who knows who he is, what he can do, and how to force him back into action. Against his own country.

Now, with his stepdaughter taken hostage, a beautiful Mossad agent as his only ally, and his adversaries already moving against him, Greg Nielsen must reenter the murderous world he thought he had left behind … if they don't kill him first…

Former CIA Agent Greg Nielsen thought he had escaped his shadowy past. He was wrong. Someone has found him and is blackmailing him to enter the dangerous game of international espionage once again. But there's one deadly difference: this time, the target is his own country.