Sherlock Holmes at the Varieties

Val Andrews

Book 14 of Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

Language: English

Publisher: Lume Books

Published: Oct 1, 1999

Pages: 196


A year has passed since the pairs unexpected reunion, and an evening full of entertainment awaits them. Sherlock Holmes and his assistant, Dr Watson.

Sherlock Holmes and his assistant, Dr Watson are guests at 'Murphy's Theatre of Varieties'; however, both are unaware that their own detective double act will soon take centre stage.

On arrival, Watson discovers much has changed inside the former London music-hall; although the owner, Mr Murphy himself, remains the same.

During a fleeting encounter with Mr. Murphy he reveals all is not well. A recent series of mysterious incidents have damaged the theatres reputation, threatening a precarious future.

On the case, both Holmes and Watson greet allegations of supernatural activity with their accustomed scepticism, yet various ghostly sightings as well as a further sequence of near fatal mishaps begin to suggest something mysterious is happening.

George Robey, an up-and-coming English comedian, together with the theatre itself emerges as the intended targets of the suspected paranormal calamities. But with no clear culprit to speak of and an increasing number of ghoulish assertions to decipher; Holmes is driven to desperate measures in his attempts to solve it all...

Sherlock Holmes at the Varieties transports the reader into a forgotten era of show business where the most accomplished performance comes from Holmes himself