Battle for the Young

Gbile Akanni

Language: English

Publisher: Livingseed NA

Published: Apr 10, 2019

Pages: 39


The time of youth is the prime time in any one's life. It's a great privilege to be young. Youth is the 'yesteryears' of old age.

The time of youth is also a period of making choices, encountering peculiar challenges and laying foundations (good or bad) for the future: choices that make indelible marks on one's life and destiny. The unfortunate thing about these choices is that whether they were made consciously or unconsciously they are often irreversible.

Youth is, therefore, a time of the raging battle between God and the devil for the souls of the youth. There is no neutral ground. Victory largely depends on the choices made by the youth among several competing options.

The chance to, therefore, shape your future is in your hands. This booklet is a guide-post to help you choose wisely.