Death in the Sun

Adam Creed

Book 4 of D.I. Staffe

Language: English

Publisher: Not Avail

Published: May 1, 2012


In Almagen, a small village in the Andalucian mountains, Staffe nursesa himself back from the brink of death. His idyllic new life in Spaina appeals and Staffe is becoming a part of the community. One day hisa friend, Manolo, takes Staffe to visit Almeria and tells him about a bodya that has been found buried in an old greenhouse by the Mediterranean. Staffea becomes inexorably drawn to the case and befriends a journalist, Raul, a who presents the killing as a simple case of drug-trafficking gonea wrong, but it soon emerges that this murdera mirrors the methods ofa torture used during Spain's brutal civil war. When Raul plungesa to his death in a drunken car crash, Almagen's own secret past slowlya rises to the surface, bringing with it family feuds and an expatriatea m(r)nage of a famous British artist, a Vietnam war vet, and a beautifula German heiress. Between the sierra and the sea, everyone seems toa want to bury the past - except Staffe, who's new life is threatened asa he refuses to abandon his investigation. Once unearthed, the pasta refuses to go away and the closer the unseen enemy gets, the morea Staffe's own past haunts him - torn and trapped by two so differenta worlds, and closer than ever to the man who murdered his parents."