Villains Ever After

Erin Lee & Bella Emy & Mila Waters & Rena Marin & T. Elizabeth Guthrie & Lorah Jaiyn

Language: English

Publisher: Crazy Ink

Published: Jul 5, 2018

Pages: 216


Villains Ever After

A Crazy Ink anthology

You can't believe everything you read about in the fairy tales.

The good guys have secrets that may never be revealed.

And what about the villains? Shouldn't they get happy endings too?

Villains Ever After is the epilogue the classics forgot about.

What happened to the wicked stepmother after Cinderella got her prince?

Was the Big Bad Wolf as brutal as he appeared?

We've all heard the takes, both twisted and straight, on the famous fairy tales.

But what happens after the 'Happily Ever After' to the villains we love to hate?

Villains Ever After, a Crazy Ink anthology, will fill you in on the rest of the tale because you know you want to know…

And villains? Well they have stories too.