The Selling of Suzee Delight

Holly Lisle

Book 2 of Tales From the Longview

Language: English

Publisher: Holly Lisle

Published: Aug 24, 2014

Pages: 134


When slavery is virtue, who will fight for vice?

When Suzee Delight, famous Cheegoth courtesan, murders the five most powerful Pact Worlds' Administrators during a private summit, the owner of The Longview Death Circus struggles against conspiracy to win the bidding for her execution. Meanwhile, Suzeeā€™s powerless supporters race to save her, while the leaders of worlds pull strings to guarantee her death.

Inhabited by a crew of misfits fleeing nightmare pasts, with a cargo of Condemned slated to die at the hands of the highest bidders, and with a passenger roster made up exclusively of people not who they claim to be, The Longview serves the hidden agenda of an eccentric recluse bent on playing puppetmaster to all of Settled Space.


"I read it in one sitting and recommended it to three people via e-mail. Then I came here to write a review. was that good." -- Vanessa Wells , reader "I love Suzee! Amazing book." Ariana Browning , reader

From the Author

This book includes additional free content:

  • A downloadable full-size Minecraft model of the spaceship THE LONGVIEW
  • Live-online discussion group
  • Additional Settled Space maps, downloadable MP3 songs, and more
  • Details on getting your maps and other freebies at the back of the book