Vengeance of Dragons

Holly Lisle

Book 2 of Secret Texts

Language: English

Publisher: Aspect

Published: Jan 1, 1999

Pages: 425


Battling over the Mirror of Souls, Kait Galweigh and Crispin Sabir don't realize that it contains the captive spirits of long-dead sorcerers who once conquered the world and are poised to wreak vengeance yet again.

From Library Journal

Exposed as a Skinshifter and forced to flee her homeland, diplomat Kait Galwaigh undertakes a dangerous quest in search of the Mirror of Souls, a powerful magical artifact that she hopes will aid her in seeking vengeance for her slaughtered kinfolk. Pursued by a rival family of necromancers, Kait and her companions discover that their search leads them to the enclave of the forgotten sorcerers known as the Dragons. Featuring a strong-minded, resourceful heroine driven by her honor and loyalty, Lisle's sequel to Diplomacy of Wolves belongs in most fantasy collections.
Copyright 1999 Reed Business Information, Inc.

From Kirkus Reviews

Second installment of Lisle's sword-and-sorcery saga (Diplomacy of Wolves, 1998, not reviewed). The Sabir family has attacked and destroyed its deadly enemy, the Galweigh family. Shapeshifting diplomat Kait Galweigh, the lone survivor, together with her wizardly Falcon allies, seeks an ancient artifact, the Mirror of Souls, which may be used to reincarnate her murdered relatives. The Sabir Wolf wizards also want the Mirror, thinking it will bring them matchless power. The reader, howeverbut neither Falcons nor Wolvesknows that the Mirror contains the trapped souls of baneful Dragon wizards who've been plotting for a thousand years to escape into the real world and capture new host bodies. Now, Kait's found the Mirror but has been shipwrecked. Ry Sabir, another shapeshifter with whom she shares a psychic bond, has followed her. When Ry catches up with Kait, she resists his allure only by keeping in mind that he's a hereditary enemy. One good Dragon, Solander the Reborn, opposes the evil Dragons, and the prophetic Secret Texts insist he'll triumph. Eventually, though, Kait receives irrefutable proof of Solander's death. What then of the prophecy? Do the Dragons win by default, or can Kait and Ryyes, they do get togethersomehow still prevail? Well, you won't find out here; stay tuned for part three. Vividly set forth, with a synopsis for newcomers: engaging if wildly overcomplicated. -- Copyright ©1999, Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved.

About the Author

Holly Lisle has been doing the pro novelist gig since 1992. Prior to that, she was an on-again, off-again missionaries' kid, high-school entrepreneur, and once past graduation, a newspaper ad rep, a sign-painter/commercial artist, the "window girl" at a McDonald's, a guitar teacher for absolute beginners, a singer at local restaurants, and because all of those together paid starvation wages, she went to nursing school the next year, and two years later was an RN.

For ten years.

She paid off her student loan the same year she got her first three-book contract, and...well...she's been writing for her supper ever since.

She is active online, providing courses teaching what she has discovered about writing fiction as well as maintaining her own weblog and website, And with more than a million books in print via commercial publishers, she has now moved to publishing herself.