Bones of the Past

Holly Lisle

Book 2 of Arhel

Language: English

Publisher: Baen

Published: Jan 1, 1993

Pages: 327


Sometimes the Mysteries of the Past Are Better Left Alone...A ragtag band of outcast children lead Faia Rissedote, Medwind Song, and a group of wizard researchers in search of Arhel’s Lost City of the First Folk, long forgotten and thought to mythical. But before they can even hope to discover the truth of Arhel’s secret past, they must contend with its very real and dangerous present, from mysterious ancient artifacts to a traitor’s betrayal to a living jungle with a horrible secret...and each step brings them closer to the truth. But sometimes the truth does more than hurt...Sometimes it kills...

About the Author

Holly Lisle has been writing novels professionally since 1991, when she sold FIRE IN THE MIST to Baen Books.

The novel went on to win the Compton Crook Award for Best First Novel in 1993, sold remarkably well, and stayed in print for about ten years, giving Holly a seriously skewed view of the ease of publishing, corrected by reality shortly thereafter.

Nevertheless, she has, at the time of this writing, sold more than thirty novels commercially, and is both re-releasing many of her novels via self-publishing, and self-publishing her newest novels. Look for the re-release of Cadence Drake: Hunting the Corrigan's Blood to kick off her long-awaited ten-book Cadence Drake series.

Lisle also wrote and has been teaching two of the most challenging fiction-writing courses in existence: How To Think Sideways: Career Survival School for Writers, and How To Revise Your Novel: Get the Book You WANT From the One You WROTE. You'll be able to find these here, too.