The Sword Keeper

Avin Vang

Book 2 of The Coven of the Raven

Language: English

Published: Jun 29, 2018

Pages: 374


Introducing the "The Sword Keeper" Novel - Discover NOW The New Paranormal Gothic Romance Book by Avin Vang!

Can Radu and Carrie stop before it’s too late?

A Sword. A Book. One final battle.

When Radu, a young Romanian man, is bitten by a vampire at the age of 20, his life is changed forever.
Now, hundreds of years later, he has emerged to seek his revenge. But Radu’s body has been ravaged by time and in order to repair it he must drink the blood of a witch.
Carrie, one such young witch, is brought before him and agrees to sacrifice her blood and join Radu in his fight.

Can the young witch and ancient vampire unite for the greater good?Or will Solomon prove too strong for them and throw the world into darkness?
Will they unite in solidarity or falter in their differences?

This haunting timeslip tale is perfect for fans of Christine Feehan, J.R.Ward, I.T.Lucas and K.F.Breene.

Praise for Avin Vang:

Good vs. Evil. A battle to the end! This is a must read!
ByTeresa fronekon July 7, 2018
While I'm normally not a big fantasy/ gothic /paranormal fan, the combination here just may be the reason I liked The Sword Keeper by Avin Vang, so much. There are witches and vampires and the good versus evil theme running throughout. You get so caught up with the 700 year old vampire Radu, who's teamed with Carrie the good witch being chased by Solomon, the evil vampire and Helga, the witch who mentored Carrie, for possession of a spell book holding all the secrets and spells. Who will win? Will evil prevail over good and will they take the book away? Read it and find out. And enjoy the journey!

Vampires, witches, and magic....OH MY

I LOVE witches, vampires, and good verses evil all rolled up into one book. So this book was pretty much a "gotta have" for me. Really enjoyed the overall story and this vampire twist was new, not bad, but new. This book kept me cheering for Radu and Carrie because I wanted them to be together. I recommend this book for an afternoon of good reading.ByCynthia Harton July 23, 2018

This was a fun ride with Radu and Carrie. Lots of action, intrigue. I enjoyed this book so much, it was extremely difficult to put down. I think you'll have the same problem. Witches, vampires, oh my!ByLindaon July 19, 2018

A story with witches, vampires, curses and spell. In the mist of a fight for a sword a sweet love for a vampire is formed. It's a great paranormal story with a magical twist.ByMDWon July 17, 2018

" The Sword Keeper " is a Dark Paranormal Gothic Romance novel of approximately 77,000 words.

Page Count: around 380+ pages

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