Simulated Abduction

Donald Hanley

Book 6 of Simulated Crime

Language: English

Publisher: Createspace

Published: Jan 1, 2017

Pages: 310


Where is Clarence Woolsey?

The Apollo project ended thirty years ago. The few survivors live in quiet obscurity, all but forgotten by a government would like nothing better than pretend it never happened. But now one of the original test subjects, Clarence Woolsey, is contacting the others, desperately searching for a baby born of two Apollo parents. The problem is, the records show Woolsey died shortly after the project was cancelled.

An old acquaintance asks ParSec Agent Jennia Bennett to find out what’s going on, but nothing makes sense. There are only three Apollo children on Earth. One is in prison for murder. Another is the daughter of a famous holo star. And the third is Jen’s unborn baby. Why would someone pretend to be Woolsey and what does he want with these children? This case is especially important to Jen, because she knows something very few others do: Clarence Woolsey is very much alive, calling himself Christopher Wolf now. He’s also the father of Jen’s child.

Jen and her Angel Elise embark on a frantic journey into the past to find Woolsey and discover why he needs a child of Apollo parents. If they’re not careful, Jen may lose everything: her lover, her job, and her baby.