Fallen Angels

Donald Hanley

Book 5 of Random Encounters

Language: English

Published: May 28, 2020

Pages: 434


The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. All I meant to do was free the witches enthralled by an incubus, but instead, I unleashed Armageddon. Amy, the Spawn of Darkness, is now free of the restraints the demon lord Metraxion placed on her and she’s turning Hellburn into her own private Hell while she waits for her father, the Dread Lord, to come for her and bring her back home. We’re waiting for Him too, frankly. At least this nightmare would be over.

Throughout the centuries, witches and warlocks have dedicated their lives to protecting the rest of us mortals from demons. They work in secret to keep the existence of magic hidden from the general population, but there’s no way to pretend that Amy is anything but what she is: a soulless, psychopathic, vindictive demon girl with wings. There’s probably a proper name for whatever she is, but Evil Incarnate sums it up pretty well.

I live with a witch, a succubus, and a ghost. I have magical powers copied from my favorite online game. I have a Philosopher’s Stone that reincarnates me whenever I’m killed, which is fairly often these days. There has to be something I can do to fix this disaster before everyone I know dies a horrible death, or worse. I only wish I knew what that was.