**A man embarks on a hazardous journey for both body and soul in this Ralph Compton western...
** Ed Wright earned his reputation as a capable and principled man from years of driving cattle—and from wearing a Ranger’s badge. The Texan wants nothing more than to drown his memories in bottle after bottle of whiskey.
Unita Nance is the owner of the Bar U Ranch, having inherited the spread after her husband’s death. She needs Ed to drive her stock from Texas to Newton, Kansas and won’t take no for an answer.
Pulled out of his inebriated retirement against his will, Ed discovers that there are those who don’t want him riding herd any more than he does—and will stop at nothing to keep him off the trail…
More Than Six Million Ralph Compton Books In Print!
**A man embarks on a hazardous journey for both body and soul in this Ralph Compton western...
** Ed Wright earned his reputation as a capable and principled man from years of driving cattle—and from wearing a Ranger’s badge. The Texan wants nothing more than to drown his memories in bottle after bottle of whiskey.
Unita Nance is the owner of the Bar U Ranch, having inherited the spread after her husband’s death. She needs Ed to drive her stock from Texas to Newton, Kansas and won’t take no for an answer.
Pulled out of his inebriated retirement against his will, Ed discovers that there are those who don’t want him riding herd any more than he does—and will stop at nothing to keep him off the trail…
More Than Six Million Ralph Compton Books In Print!