The System Apocalypse Issue 4

Tao Wong

Book 4 of The System Apocalypse Comics

Language: English

Publisher: Starlit Publishing

Published: Feb 18, 2020

Pages: 24


There's no survival in an apocalypse alone as John soon learns. Joining up with Mikito and Richard, the team begin the process of rebuilding Whitehorse, the people living there and themselves. More than that, they'll need to tackle the new, more powerful threats even as the specter of a cold, harsh winter looms. The team will need to learn to work together, work on their internal issues and beat the monsters, all before it becomes too late for the city.

The System Apocalyse (#4) is an adaptation of the bestselling post-apocalyptic LitRPG book Life in the North and covers the first year of an apocalyptic, System event.